Only Jesus Can Fill The Voids

Only Jesus Can Fill The Voids

Kevin Shimwa Gakuba
Kevin Shimwa Gakuba

Sometimes, we look to what is in the world to find comfort, our sense of identity, significance, happiness, and optimism for life. I mean money, power, pride, job, sexual immorality, people’s approval, anything else we put our hope into other than God. Despite putting our faith in them, there are many ways in which we become disappointed. Perhaps everybody has their own story. Some end up as workaholics, others with depression, become people-pleasers instead of seeking the approval of God (Galatians 1:10), others end up hating themselves and everything around them, the list goes on. Truth is, we can never find the inner peace and every other good gift of life like true joy that is not just temporal, identity and sense of worth, anywhere else other than in Jesus. Jesus says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you” (John 15:7).   

"Truth is, we can never find the inner peace and every other good gift of life like true joy that is not just temporal, identity and sense of worth, anywhere else other than in Jesus."

May we pray for God’s grace to empower us to turn our eyes from all the worthless things and preserve our life according to His word (Psalms 119:37), revealed in its purest beauty through and by Jesus Christ. The word of love, healing, hope, provision, empowerment from sin, and most importantly a promised eternal communion with God. If out of love Jesus died the shameful death we were supposed to die because of our sins, what other good gift can’t He give to His believers? None. May we not take any longer but constantly humble ourselves, courageously seek Him, pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17), and let the Holy Spirit do His work which is to transform us into people whose hearts Jesus sits on the throne. Only that way can all the voids in our hearts be filled. Amen.  

"May we pray for God’s grace to empower us to turn our eyes from all the worthless things and preserve our life according to His word"

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