Not Customizable

"Do Not" written in a frame

Not Customizable

"Do Not" written in a frame
Kevin Shimwa Gakuba
Kevin Shimwa Gakuba

Sometimes, the enemy deceives us to paint a picture of Christ who is unbiblical. We end up portraying Him as indifferent to sin, flexible, unoffended by unrighteousness. The enemy does so to soothe our conscience, saying that Jesus does not care much about our practice of sin. We can thereby end up living carnal, fleshly lives. Well, it is true that Jesus always seeks to save us, wants us to have a life in abundancethat’s why He laid down His life for us (John 10:10-11). On the other hand, He commands that we obey His guidance and not make ourselves slaves to the burden of sin He saved us from (Galatians 5:1) 

He promises to bless those who live obediently, laying treasures in heaven and not on earth. He also makes it clear that he will cut the unrighteous disobedient hypocrites into pieces and assign them a place of weeping and gnashing of teetheternal hell (Matthew 6:19-21; Matthew 24:51) This can sound intense; however, it shows the true nature of Jesus, Holy God, and how much He hates sin.  

"Sometimes, the enemy deceives us to paint a picture of Christ who is unbiblical...portraying Him as indifferent to sin, flexible, unoffended by unrighteousness."

A believer should surrender to the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit in the fight against sin. It is a choice of not welcoming or tolerating sin. The Lord Jesus says, “If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell (Matthew 5:29). This is an analogy that might sound extreme, but it shows how serious the fight against sin should be.  

Our lives reflect whether we are born again of the Spirit of God or still live according to the flesh. Because no one who is born of the Spirit deliberately and habitually practices sin because that is purely of the devil (1 John 3:8-10). Born-again believers walk in obedience to the Holy Spirit as He transforms them by putting to death the works of the flesh (Galatians 5:25; Romans 8:13). 

"A believer should surrender to the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit in the fight against sin."

Jesus has not left His nature to our imaginative interpretation to comfort our sinful human nature (Ephesians 1:17). He is not customizable. May we humble ourselves to read the Bible to know Him with a blessed assurance of enjoying HimGodin this present life and life eternal (Hebrews 10:22-23).  

"Jesus has not left His nature to our imaginative interpretation to comfort our sinful human nature."

Let us pray: Lord Jesus, I realize that You are the only one who can give me life in abundance. I repent for steps I took in disobedience and comforting my flesh with false thoughts about You. Help me Lord to keep in step with the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

If you have not accepted Jesus as your Savior and the Lord of your life, this is the time to do so. Do not keep resisting Him. Open your heart, let Him inside, and you will find rest for your soul (Matthew 11:29). 

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Beyond Sensitivity

Man Walking

Beyond Sensitivity

Man Walking
Kevin Shimwa Gakuba
Kevin Shimwa Gakuba

It’s sad when someone, after initially embracing God, begins to move away from Him and keeps moving in that direction. This was true of the Israelites of the Old Covenant, who, despite being chosen by God and following the Mosaic law, kept falling away. It is also true of us, the chosen of the New Covenant, whose justification comes through faith in Jesus—a faith that should lead us away from worldly and unrighteous behaviors (Colossians 3:5) 

Backsliding is a reminder that sanctification isn’t something we can achieve by our passion or own works. Rather, we must submit to the guidance and strength of the Holy Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:23). It is the lack of submission that makes us believers live unchanged carnal lives pictured as a dog returning to its vomit or a washed saw returning to the mud (1 Corinthians 3:3; 2 Peter 2:22). The Bible shows that continued refusal to repent can make the individual lose sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, who is the only hope for the person to be convicted of sin and be led to repentance (Ephesians 4:19; John 16:8). 

"...continued refusal to repent can make the individual lose sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, who is the only hope for the person to be convicted of sin and be led to repentance."

A believer faces stronger temptations as they grow spiritually. They are more susceptible to falling into sin if they are not firmly rooted in Christ (Colossians 2:7). Matthew 12:43-45 says that when demons come back to a heart they once possessed and find it empty and clean, they bring more evil demons to wage war for dominion of that heart which would result in a worse evil state compared to the first. It’s imperative therefore for a believer to be rooted in the Word, be established in the faith, relying on the armor of God if they are to withstand the temptations (Ephesians 6:10-18) 

"It's imperative therefore for a believer to be rooted in the Word, be established in the faith, relying on the armor of God if they are to withstand the temptations."

Let us pray: Lord Jesus, thank you for saving me. I repent, my King, of the way I have grieved You through disobeying the Holy Spirit within me. I submit to you, take the throne of my heart again. May You magnify Yourself in me through the Holy Spirit that I may live a life that glorifies You. Amen.  

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