God Waited on Me and Brought me to a Place of Solace, Part I: 

Rose on Piano

God Waited on Me and Brought me to a Place of Solace, Part I: 

From Faith to Life's Biggest Fall

Rose on Piano
Beula Igiraneza
Beula Igiraneza

My God, My God, why have you forsaken me? 

Why are You so far from saving me, 

So far from my cries of anguish? 

My God, I cry out by day, but You do not answer, 

By night, but I find no rest (Psalms 22:1-2 NIV) 

This had become my incessant prayer and cry to the Lord every time my heart felt like He had hidden His face from me. Depression will do this to you. The spirit of disbelief crawled its way through my soul and all the goodness I had ever known from my Father seemed to have disappeared. All I had ever received from Him was favor to heights undeserved, but when doom hit, I spent 1 year and 6 months declaring that the God I had believed in couldn’t save me from the pit of darkness I endlessly spun in.

Now do not get me wrong! I grew up in a super Christian family which unsolicitedly exposed me to the Word of God from a time when I was too young to understand. My siblings and I often attended Sunday school which was supposed to help us grow with the Word of God in our lives. The Bible says that a child should be taught the way they should go and that they won’t depart from it even when they are old (Proverbs 22:6). One thing that the Holy Spirit made clear to me was that my salvation did not come from my parents’. The grace I received which saved me from the eternal wrath of God was not based on my parents’ calling. I acknowledge however that the exposure I had from their cover ushered me to a place of knowing God and later into a journey of fellowship with Him. I received Christ when the Holy Spirit convinced my heart to live for God alone from the knowledge that Jesus was made sin that through Him, I would become the righteousness of God (2 Corinthians 5:21 NIV). I grew up with almost all Bible stories taught to me and a solid knowledge that we (my family and later I) serve a mighty God who is able to do all things. I grew up instructed to never doubt God or His unfailing love.  

"The spirit of disbelief crawled its way through my soul and all the goodness I had ever known from my Father seemed to have disappeared."

January 2022 was when my faith started shaking and saw myself take the greatest blow my life had ever known. When the new year kicked off, my church had a series of prayers for the new year, and the faith brought by this new grace made me so excited for a greater year like never before. As a medical student, this new year meant a big deal to me because I was about to start clinicals and learn directly from my patients, a step closer to becoming a doctor. I was expectant of God’s goodness and faithfulness with an unshakeable hope that everything would be sustained by Him to keep me supplied with all that I needed. 

It wasn’t until the devil’s scheme kicked in that I started doubting every word of hope and faith I had started the new year with. Out of nowhere, my life turned into a place of brokenness overflowing with an unquantifiable depth of emotional agony. I found myself indulged in so much darkness that I forgot the purpose of my life. Why was this happening? What was going on in my soul? Why was I suddenly overwhelmed by feelings of worthlessness and emptiness? I couldn’t answer any of the questions and so seemed God. The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in Spirit (Psalms 34:18), but I couldn’t feel the warmth of His closeness at the moment, and it scared me so much. Reading the verse seemed easy and straightforward but I completely failed to see past my hurt and allow transformation from that piece of scripture. My Google search history was filled with queries like “Bible verses for a desperate heart”, “Bible verses for a depressed soul”, “Bible verses for when I can’t trust God”, … I tried to dive deeper into scriptures of hope day after day, hoping that my soul’s pain would be eased, but with futility at each attempt. I felt alone and desolate, yet this was just a drop in an ocean compared to what laid ahead. 

"Reading the verse (Psalm 34:18) seemed easy and straightforward but I completely failed to see past my hurt and allow transformation from that piece of scripture. "

One quite inspiring Bible character is a man called Job. From the beginning of the first chapter in this very book, Job was a fulfilled person with so much wealth and His righteousness was one to talk about for many generations. God Himself felt joyous as He talked about him with Satan: Have you considered my servant Job? There is no one on earth like him; he is blameless and upright, a man who fears God and shuns evil (Job 1:8). I can imagine the smile God might have had on as He said those words. The devil being himself started doing what he does best, which is indulging us in endless accusations: Have you not put a hedge around him and his household and everything he has? You have blessed the work of his hands, so that his flocks and herds are spread throughout the land.But now stretch out your hand and strike everything he has, and he will surely curse you to your face (Job 1:10-11). All the devil wanted was to take Job’s contentment away which he ultimately tried to do, but only because God had allowed it. In my understanding, God knew very well of Job’s genuine love towards Him and according to the promise which lies in His word, “…God is faithful; he will not let you be tempted beyond what you can bear. But when you are tempted, he will also provide a way out so that you can endure it (1 Corinthians 10:13); He wasn’t intending on letting him fight alone. The devil took away Job’s children, cattle, wealth, and he caused infirmity to his body. Throughout the whole misery that Job went through, God never left him by himself. I used to think that Job’s hardships might have not been that tough or that since God called him a ‘righteous’ person, his faith must have been so mighty to take him through. I thought that people like Job who were righteous in the face of God knew very well how to deal with pain on an extraordinary level. Sometimes we think that Bible characters were more fit than we are and that going through hardships was easier for them. I told myself that maybe pain felt different and more bearable for them since they had a special relationship with God, but I was wrong. Job got hurt! He was hurt and was left with no person to turn to. His wife and friends were determined to discourage him to a point where he’d give up on God. Apparently, this man suffered! It looks as though he was challenged the same way we, people of the modern age, suffer indeed. I told myself. 

"He wasn’t intending on letting him fight alone....Throughout the whole misery that Job went through, God never left him by himself."

I think that Job and I have a few things in common. I have held God’s blessings from the moment I was born until now. I really had nothing to complain about because all I had ever needed, God provided in abundant measures in due time. Satan proposed that I should be tempted and that every good thing I held dear to my heart would be taken away. God agreed the same way He did with Job or maybe with you at some point in life. Hurt is an understatement to how I felt. This wasn’t just emotional pain but felt more like death cutting through my soul and ripping away every inch of goodness in me. As time came by, my emotions wandered to frightening places of darkness that I had never known. I saw myself grow into a creature that had no hope for the few seconds of life ahead. I became bitter and filled with so much anger and hate to myself. Feelings of worthlessness and regret filled my existence. Tears drowned my pillow at night and weakness overtook my days. All that brought solace to my soul was an overdose of sleeping pills which kept me from thinking about my messed-up life. 

Yes, I had friends and family, an amazing medical school, and an assured future! Why was I not seeing the goodness of God even in the midst of the torment I was going through? Well, I guess I cared less about all the blessings God had covered me with. When the devil started going through my mind, the first thing I dropped was God’s love followed by hope, then fellowship with Him. The devil in his maleficence has a way of blinding our eyes from God’s love until we helplessly label it as ‘meaninglessness’. Satan worked his way through my mind and convinced me of how terrible God was as a Father seeing all that I was going through while He remained silent. He showed me how alone and lost I was. He assured me that I was broken beyond repair and that God did not care about me anyway! He sold a huge lie to me which stained God’s integrity and faithfulness and I followed along. Does this ring a bell? A few Bible chapters back will take us to the Garden of Eden. Remember when the serpent confused Eve’s belief by telling her that God is selfish because He didn’t allow them to eat from the tree of wisdom so that they wouldn’t be as knowledgeable as He is? (Genesis 3:4-5). I consider Adam and Eve among the most blessed people on earth in that they experienced the amazing in-person fellowship with God. They witnessed this much glory around them on various occasions. Yet, the devil played with their minds, and they chose to turn their backs against God, our Creator. In his notorious ability to exercise his utmost role in fooling God’s people, the devil remains the father of lies and I can testify to this. The liar came to them and hid their eyes from their Creator’s faithfulness and unmatched love. This is what he did with me and does best: lying. 

The more I prayed, the dimmer my faith grew or so the devil made me believe. Praying ended up feeling ineffectual whenever I tried, but that was another reckless lie the devil painted so that I would give up on prayer completely. As I was expected to fulfill my responsibilities as a student, I decided to employ “better” coping mechanisms because at that rate, it looked like I was never going to graduate anytime soon. 

"Praying ended up feeling ineffectual whenever I tried, but that was another reckless lie the devil painted so that I would give up on prayer completely. "

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The Treasure

Featured Image - Article: The Treasure

The Treasure

Featured Image - Article: The Treasure
Kevin Shimwa Gakuba
Kevin Shimwa Gakuba

When asked about the greatest gifts in life, common responses often include money, power, good health, bodily pleasures, or validation from others. Take a moment to reflect on the sacrifices made in pursuing these desires and the temporary gratification they bring. 

It’s undeniable that desires for wealth, authority, bodily indulgence, or self-validation provide only fleeting contentment [Proverbs 27:20; Galatians 5:19-21]. Those who constantly pursue them find themselves trapped in a vicious cycle, distanced from God. Since the flesh always desires more, we remain in a state of frustration, akin to trying to fill a broken cup. 

"desires for wealth, authority, bodily indulgence, or self-validation provide only fleeting contentment "

However, there is something greater and worthy of our attention—the Kingdom of heaven, the ultimate treasure. Have you experienced the presence of God, His love, and His blessings? If so, recall the joy and satisfaction it brought. Yet even that is just a glimpse of the incomprehensible love and riches found in God’s kingdom [Philippians 4:19; 1 Corinthians 2:9]. The true treasure lies in communion with Him, resting in His presence, and receiving His endless blessings as we serve Him. You haven’t experienced this yet?  There’s good news for you! Jesus offers a way to live a truly content life, surpassing any gratification the flesh can provide [Isaiah 58:11]. 

"The true treasure lies in communion with Him, resting in His presence, and receiving His endless blessings as we serve Him."

We are surrounded by witnesses who affirm that this truth can be experienced [Hebrews 12:1]. Figures like Abraham, Enoch, Noah, Samuel, David, and Gideon exemplify what Matthew 13:44 describes as the kingdom of God—a treasure worth selling everything to possess. Living for God transcends any blessing received; it’s about beholding Jesus, who not only offers eternal life [1 John 1:2] but also every spiritual blessing, demonstrating the richness of God’s mercy and grace [Ephesians 1:3]. Choosing to serve God becomes the priceless pearl that illuminates our lives, bringing fulfillment beyond measure [Matthew 13:45-46]. Surrendering to God’s rule becomes the greatest treasure you can ever have [Psalm 34:8]. Make it about God. 

"Choosing to serve God becomes the priceless pearl that illuminates our lives, bringing fulfillment beyond measure...Surrendering to God’s rule becomes the greatest treasure you can ever have..."

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Only Jesus Can Fill The Voids

Only Jesus Can Fill The Voids

Kevin Shimwa Gakuba
Kevin Shimwa Gakuba

Sometimes, we look to what is in the world to find comfort, our sense of identity, significance, happiness, and optimism for life. I mean money, power, pride, job, sexual immorality, people’s approval, anything else we put our hope into other than God. Despite putting our faith in them, there are many ways in which we become disappointed. Perhaps everybody has their own story. Some end up as workaholics, others with depression, become people-pleasers instead of seeking the approval of God (Galatians 1:10), others end up hating themselves and everything around them, the list goes on. Truth is, we can never find the inner peace and every other good gift of life like true joy that is not just temporal, identity and sense of worth, anywhere else other than in Jesus. Jesus says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you” (John 15:7).   

"Truth is, we can never find the inner peace and every other good gift of life like true joy that is not just temporal, identity and sense of worth, anywhere else other than in Jesus."

May we pray for God’s grace to empower us to turn our eyes from all the worthless things and preserve our life according to His word (Psalms 119:37), revealed in its purest beauty through and by Jesus Christ. The word of love, healing, hope, provision, empowerment from sin, and most importantly a promised eternal communion with God. If out of love Jesus died the shameful death we were supposed to die because of our sins, what other good gift can’t He give to His believers? None. May we not take any longer but constantly humble ourselves, courageously seek Him, pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17), and let the Holy Spirit do His work which is to transform us into people whose hearts Jesus sits on the throne. Only that way can all the voids in our hearts be filled. Amen.  

"May we pray for God’s grace to empower us to turn our eyes from all the worthless things and preserve our life according to His word"

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To Those Who Feel Lost

To Those Who Feel Lost

Princiana Teddy Kayumba
Princiana Teddy Kayumba

There are different things that can, and do, take us and make us feel away from God. In those situations, prayer feels like a routine and time dedicated to God starts to lessen. Causes are numerous and they vary. These include trials that are taking us away from God, guilt or habits we know do not align with what God wants but that we are not able to free ourselves from, a lifestyle we have adopted that’s taking time we normally dedicate to prayer, a combination of the above or even seeming as if there’s no particular reason. (The devil might just be working really hard to take you away). Our moral compass that is normally governed by God and by His Word is also affected. When we are in God’s presence and in His Holy Spirit’s presence, we are enabled to do things that are in line with that presence. For example, we are enabled to manage our anger issues better, we have more spiritual strength and less doubt, but when that presence is lost and time in His presence reduces what was considered wrong and undoable, starts looking less wrong and doable. Sin seems easier and less scary, and as expected the more our time and actions stop aligning with God, the more we are prone to going even further from His presence. I believe the first positive step in this situation is to allow the Holy Spirit in us to make us see and acknowledge the gap and emptiness that comes with being away from God’s presence and to let The Spirit strengthen our prayers and direct us to scripture that we need in that time. It is important to also first remember that God, our father, wants to have fellowship with us. He wants His children to remain in His presence and know that we are welcome back when we have gone away as seen in the parable of the prodigal son who was welcomed back home warmly by his father (Luke 15:11-32). 

"I believe the first positive step in this situation is to allow the Holy Spirit in us to make us see and acknowledge the gap and emptiness that comes with being away from God’s presence and to let The Spirit strengthen our prayers and direct us to scripture that we need in that time."

God wants us close to Him but, He still leaves us with the choice. He doesn’t force that on us. Revelation 3:20 Behold, I stand at the door and knock. If anyone hears my voice and opens the door, I will come into him and eat with him, and he with me. He wants us to choose Him even in that state of pain, guilt, doubt and every other time we might not be feeling His presence. Of course, that is easier said than done but that is okay because it’s never our own strength that carries us, its always God’s grace. We just have to surrender to that grace in all circumstances. In Mathew 24:45-51, Jesus warns us of what to do when we are not feeling God’s presence. Throughout the chapter, Jesus is warning His disciples about the end of times and advising them to keep watch and to stay alert because they do not know when the end and His return is happening (verse 42). From verse 45 to the end of the chapter, Jesus tells His disciples of the parable of the faithful and wicked servant. Both were servants of the master, but their attitudes differed when their master went away. The faithful servant on one hand, despite his master’s absence kept on doing what would please his master. But the wicked servant did the opposite and betrayed his master’s trust. In times where we feel like God is absent, Jesus is telling us that we ought to be even more alert and remain faithful. We should pray even more, dive into The Word more and approach the throne of grace for strength in those times of need. So, to all of those going through a situation that makes them feel like God is not with them, God’s love for you is unchanged because as it says in Romans 8:38-39 neither death nor life, neither angels nor demons, neither the present nor the future, nor any powers, neither height nor depth, nor anything else in all creation, will be able to separate us from the love of God that is in Christ Jesus our Lord.  He still wants that fellowship with you, and He is present even if it feels like He is not. I pray that we all remain faithful and wise servants who keep on doing what pleases our Master even in His absence (when He feels absent).   

"it’s never our own strength that carries us, it’s always God’s grace."

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Our Father in Heaven: Walking in The Hidden Yet Faithful Love of The Father 

Our Father in Heaven: Walking in The Hidden Yet Faithful Love of The Father 

Soleil Ishimwe
Soleil Ishimwe

“5 And have you completely forgotten this word of encouragement that addresses you as a father addresses his son? It says, “My son, do not make light of the Lord’s discipline, and do not lose heart when he rebukes you, 6 because the Lord disciplines the one he loves, and he chastens everyone he accepts as his son.” Hebrews 12:5-6. In Matthew chapter 6, we see Jesus teaching his disciples how to pray as they had asked Him. If I was to mention, one beautiful and most joyful thing about this prayer is how it starts “Our Father…. Jesus’ life manifested the deep personal relationship He had with God the Father that the only name He used to address God in his prayers is “Father” except once; when He was on the cross full of pain, being mocked, when The One who knew no sin became sin on our behalf (2 Corinthians 5:21). That’s when He cried “My God, My God, why have you forsaken Me.” (Matthew 27:46). Maybe for once in His life on earth Jesus did not call God “Father,” so that you and I who were children of wrath through Him we could be called children of God and call God, “Father” for eternity. After knowing their identity in the Father, Christians are then called to honor Him and His son and be led by His Spirit throughout their entire life. The Father commands us to listen to The Son (Mathew 17:5). Sometimes we tend to listen to all the voices around us except of The Son (let us take a step back and listen to Jesus). However, we cannot do this by ourselves unless we have the Holy Spirit; our advocate, intercessor, comforter, teacher, helper… Through Him we receive power; “But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes on you…” (Acts 1:8).  

"one beautiful and most joyful thing about this prayer is how it starts “Our Father...”"

Moreover, when we walk through Him, we no longer gratify the desires of the flesh (Galatians 5:16) and we live according to the will of the Father and Son. As said in Hebrews 9:14 “14 How much more, then, will the blood of Christ, who through the eternal Spirit offered himself unblemished to God, cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!” As we read above in Hebrews, The Father disciplines His children and it is for our good, that we may share His Holiness (Hebrews 12:10). Sometimes, we deceive ourselves thinking that it is a set of rules and principles that God is imposing on us, but if we could only understand that it’s His way of setting us apart for something great, His Holiness. In the book of Genesis, we read a story of two brothers Esau and Jacob. In Genesis chapter 33 we see how Esau had all kinds of wealth, seen on verse 9 “I already have plenty, my brother. Keep what you have for yourself., whilst Jacob worked years and years for his uncle and yet in Malachi 1:2 the Lord declares “…I have loved Jacob, but Esau I have hated…” How is this true? How did God love Jacob and yet denied him of such wealth as Esau? There is only one answer to this. God blessed Esau but never intervened in his life and He didn’t give Jacob plenty as Esau, but he disciplined him, a symbol of how much He loved him. Above all else as mentioned in Hebrews 12:11 “discipline produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it.” As Christians and Holy Spirit born people, we ought to remember that the Father’s presence in our life is not all about granting us our worldly dreams. His number one priority is to make us holy and to conform us to the image of Christ.

"Sometimes, we deceive ourselves thinking that it is a set of rules and principles that God is imposing on us, but if we could only understand that it’s His way of setting us apart for something great, His Holiness."

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