To Those Who Feel Lost

To Those Who Feel Lost

Princiana Teddy Kayumba
Princiana Teddy Kayumba

There are different things that can, and do, take us and make us feel away from God. In those situations, prayer feels like a routine and time dedicated to God starts to lessen. Causes are numerous and they vary. These include trials that are taking us away from God, guilt or habits we know do not align with what God wants but that we are not able to free ourselves from, a lifestyle we have adopted that’s taking time we normally dedicate to prayer, a combination of the above or even seeming as if there’s no particular reason. (The devil might just be working really hard to take you away). Our moral compass that is normally governed by God and by His Word is also affected. When we are in God’s presence and in His Holy Spirit’s presence, we are enabled to do things that are in line with that presence. For example, we are enabled to manage our anger issues better, we have more spiritual strength and less doubt, but when that presence is lost and time in His presence reduces what was considered wrong and undoable, starts looking less wrong and doable. Sin seems easier and less scary, and as expected the more our time and actions stop aligning with God, the more we are prone to going even further from His presence. I believe the first positive step in this situation is to allow the Holy Spirit in us to make us see and acknowledge the gap and emptiness that comes with being away from God’s presence and to let The Spirit strengthen our prayers and direct us to scripture that we need in that time. It is important to also first remember that God, our father, wants to have fellowship with us. He wants His children to remain in His presence and know that we are welcome back when we have gone away as seen in the parable of the prodigal son who was welcomed back home warmly by his father (Luke 15:11-32). 

"I believe the first positive step in this situation is to allow the Holy Spirit in us to make us see and acknowledge the gap and emptiness that comes with being away from God’s presence and to let The Spirit strengthen our prayers and direct us to scripture that we need in that time."

May we pray for God’s grace to empower us to turn our eyes from all the worthless things and preserve our life according to His word (Psalms 119:37), revealed in its purest beauty through and by Jesus Christ. The word of love, healing, hope, provision, empowerment from sin, and most importantly a promised eternal communion with God. If out of love Jesus died the shameful death we were supposed to die because of our sins, what other good gift can’t He give to His believers? None. May we not take any longer but constantly humble ourselves, courageously seek Him, pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17), and let the Holy Spirit do His work which is to transform us into people whose hearts Jesus sits on the throne. Only that way can all the voids in our hearts be filled. Amen.  

"it’s never our own strength that carries us, it’s always God’s grace."

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