Not Customizable

"Do Not" written in a frame

Not Customizable

"Do Not" written in a frame
Kevin Shimwa Gakuba
Kevin Shimwa Gakuba

Sometimes, the enemy deceives us to paint a picture of Christ who is unbiblical. We end up portraying Him as indifferent to sin, flexible, unoffended by unrighteousness. The enemy does so to soothe our conscience, saying that Jesus does not care much about our practice of sin. We can thereby end up living carnal, fleshly lives. Well, it is true that Jesus always seeks to save us, wants us to have a life in abundancethat’s why He laid down His life for us (John 10:10-11). On the other hand, He commands that we obey His guidance and not make ourselves slaves to the burden of sin He saved us from (Galatians 5:1) 

He promises to bless those who live obediently, laying treasures in heaven and not on earth. He also makes it clear that he will cut the unrighteous disobedient hypocrites into pieces and assign them a place of weeping and gnashing of teetheternal hell (Matthew 6:19-21; Matthew 24:51) This can sound intense; however, it shows the true nature of Jesus, Holy God, and how much He hates sin.  

"Sometimes, the enemy deceives us to paint a picture of Christ who is unbiblical...portraying Him as indifferent to sin, flexible, unoffended by unrighteousness."

A believer should surrender to the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit in the fight against sin. It is a choice of not welcoming or tolerating sin. The Lord Jesus says, “If your right eye causes you to sin, tear it out and throw it away. For it is better that you lose one of your members than that your whole body be thrown into hell (Matthew 5:29). This is an analogy that might sound extreme, but it shows how serious the fight against sin should be.  

Our lives reflect whether we are born again of the Spirit of God or still live according to the flesh. Because no one who is born of the Spirit deliberately and habitually practices sin because that is purely of the devil (1 John 3:8-10). Born-again believers walk in obedience to the Holy Spirit as He transforms them by putting to death the works of the flesh (Galatians 5:25; Romans 8:13). 

"A believer should surrender to the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit in the fight against sin."

Jesus has not left His nature to our imaginative interpretation to comfort our sinful human nature (Ephesians 1:17). He is not customizable. May we humble ourselves to read the Bible to know Him with a blessed assurance of enjoying HimGodin this present life and life eternal (Hebrews 10:22-23).  

"Jesus has not left His nature to our imaginative interpretation to comfort our sinful human nature."

Let us pray: Lord Jesus, I realize that You are the only one who can give me life in abundance. I repent for steps I took in disobedience and comforting my flesh with false thoughts about You. Help me Lord to keep in step with the Holy Spirit. Amen. 

If you have not accepted Jesus as your Savior and the Lord of your life, this is the time to do so. Do not keep resisting Him. Open your heart, let Him inside, and you will find rest for your soul (Matthew 11:29). 

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Beyond Sensitivity

Man Walking

Beyond Sensitivity

Man Walking
Kevin Shimwa Gakuba
Kevin Shimwa Gakuba

It’s sad when someone, after initially embracing God, begins to move away from Him and keeps moving in that direction. This was true of the Israelites of the Old Covenant, who, despite being chosen by God and following the Mosaic law, kept falling away. It is also true of us, the chosen of the New Covenant, whose justification comes through faith in Jesus—a faith that should lead us away from worldly and unrighteous behaviors (Colossians 3:5) 

Backsliding is a reminder that sanctification isn’t something we can achieve by our passion or own works. Rather, we must submit to the guidance and strength of the Holy Spirit (1 Thessalonians 5:23). It is the lack of submission that makes us believers live unchanged carnal lives pictured as a dog returning to its vomit or a washed saw returning to the mud (1 Corinthians 3:3; 2 Peter 2:22). The Bible shows that continued refusal to repent can make the individual lose sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, who is the only hope for the person to be convicted of sin and be led to repentance (Ephesians 4:19; John 16:8). 

"...continued refusal to repent can make the individual lose sensitivity to the Holy Spirit, who is the only hope for the person to be convicted of sin and be led to repentance."

A believer faces stronger temptations as they grow spiritually. They are more susceptible to falling into sin if they are not firmly rooted in Christ (Colossians 2:7). Matthew 12:43-45 says that when demons come back to a heart they once possessed and find it empty and clean, they bring more evil demons to wage war for dominion of that heart which would result in a worse evil state compared to the first. It’s imperative therefore for a believer to be rooted in the Word, be established in the faith, relying on the armor of God if they are to withstand the temptations (Ephesians 6:10-18) 

"It's imperative therefore for a believer to be rooted in the Word, be established in the faith, relying on the armor of God if they are to withstand the temptations."

Let us pray: Lord Jesus, thank you for saving me. I repent, my King, of the way I have grieved You through disobeying the Holy Spirit within me. I submit to you, take the throne of my heart again. May You magnify Yourself in me through the Holy Spirit that I may live a life that glorifies You. Amen.  

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The Treasure

Featured Image - Article: The Treasure

The Treasure

Featured Image - Article: The Treasure
Kevin Shimwa Gakuba
Kevin Shimwa Gakuba

When asked about the greatest gifts in life, common responses often include money, power, good health, bodily pleasures, or validation from others. Take a moment to reflect on the sacrifices made in pursuing these desires and the temporary gratification they bring. 

It’s undeniable that desires for wealth, authority, bodily indulgence, or self-validation provide only fleeting contentment [Proverbs 27:20; Galatians 5:19-21]. Those who constantly pursue them find themselves trapped in a vicious cycle, distanced from God. Since the flesh always desires more, we remain in a state of frustration, akin to trying to fill a broken cup. 

"desires for wealth, authority, bodily indulgence, or self-validation provide only fleeting contentment "

However, there is something greater and worthy of our attention—the Kingdom of heaven, the ultimate treasure. Have you experienced the presence of God, His love, and His blessings? If so, recall the joy and satisfaction it brought. Yet even that is just a glimpse of the incomprehensible love and riches found in God’s kingdom [Philippians 4:19; 1 Corinthians 2:9]. The true treasure lies in communion with Him, resting in His presence, and receiving His endless blessings as we serve Him. You haven’t experienced this yet?  There’s good news for you! Jesus offers a way to live a truly content life, surpassing any gratification the flesh can provide [Isaiah 58:11]. 

"The true treasure lies in communion with Him, resting in His presence, and receiving His endless blessings as we serve Him."

We are surrounded by witnesses who affirm that this truth can be experienced [Hebrews 12:1]. Figures like Abraham, Enoch, Noah, Samuel, David, and Gideon exemplify what Matthew 13:44 describes as the kingdom of God—a treasure worth selling everything to possess. Living for God transcends any blessing received; it’s about beholding Jesus, who not only offers eternal life [1 John 1:2] but also every spiritual blessing, demonstrating the richness of God’s mercy and grace [Ephesians 1:3]. Choosing to serve God becomes the priceless pearl that illuminates our lives, bringing fulfillment beyond measure [Matthew 13:45-46]. Surrendering to God’s rule becomes the greatest treasure you can ever have [Psalm 34:8]. Make it about God. 

"Choosing to serve God becomes the priceless pearl that illuminates our lives, bringing fulfillment beyond measure...Surrendering to God’s rule becomes the greatest treasure you can ever have..."

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Not Your Strength

Not Your Strength

Kevin Shimwa Gakuba
Kevin Shimwa Gakuba

Take a minute to ask yourself why you are reading this article. How are you able to find this gospel? Putting in a lot of effort to stay with God? But how many times did you wish for communion with the Lord, prayed for fellowship, and still found it hard to dwell in His presence? Fellowshipping with God happens after our spirit is stirred up for Him. The stirring up is purely by the Holy Spirit working in us to obey God’s call [Philippians 2:13]. Our will and strength cannot suffice to make us desire His sweet presence. God Himself puts us in a position to access the gospel even on days we are not seeking Him [Isaiah 65:1]. Sometimes it’s a friend praying over you, a scripture you read, a testimony about Jesus, all which can open rivers of living waters in a barren heart.  

"Our will and strength cannot suffice to make us desire His sweet presence. God Himself puts us in a position to access the gospel even on days we are not seeking Him "

His grace brought us to Him. Only it can keep us there. Grace implies the great favor of God which our works would not deserve and is solely based on Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf. The sacrifice makes us worthy of God’s blessings which our works can never merit [Galatians 3:10]. Our relationship with God is in the first place secured by the blood of Christ on the cross [Ephesians 2:8], where God reconciled us to Himself in the person of Christ [2 Corinthians 5:18]. The transformation to have a mind like Christ and stay with God as we navigate the day-to-day challenges of life can in no way be handled by our own strength. Apostle Paul is a perfect example of a transformed life, steadfast amidst tribulation, and full of God’s power. Yet he pointed out that all he did was to display his weaknesses to God and call relentlessly upon God’s grace of power and wisdom to win his life’s battles [2 Corinthians 12:9; Zechariah 4:6 ]. At times we can find ourselves in a serious trial or temptation, a depression that feels insurmountable, bondage of sin or any other snare from the devil and the only way that we can overcome and stand firm is to lean on His grace [2 Corinthians 4:8-11].  

"Grace implies the great favor of God which our works would not deserve and is solely based on Christ’s sacrifice on our behalf."

Does dependence upon God’s grace imply being careless, uninvolved Christians in the battles? No, but the contrary which is to surrender to God’s guidance and will. God has always chosen to involve man in His plans by giving him wisdom and strength so that he can walk in His ways [Psalm 32:8]. We must fall on our faces and ask for the grace to let God take the wheel of our lives through obedience. Through obedience our heart posture changes and allows the Spirit of God to position us as He wills. This can be a position of prayer, a position to acquire knowledge and wisdom of God, or any other that works for the glory of God. And we will come to realize that choosing surrender means choosing victory. We will stand in awe of how God will fight our battles for His glory [2 Chronicles 20:15].

As we walk this life aspiring to share in the glory of our Lord Jesus Christ [2 Thessalonians 2:14], the Spirit of God reminds us that we have been adopted as children of our glorious Father through faith in Jesus. We now have access to His throne of grace so that we may find mercy and grace in times of need. His grace is what makes us stand today and always will. Amen.  

"We must fall on our faces and ask for the grace to let God take the wheel of our lives through obedience. Through obedience our heart posture changes and allows the Spirit of God to position us as He wills...And we will come to realize that choosing surrender means choosing victory."

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When Life Feels Hopeless

When Life Feels Hopeless

Kevin Shimwa Gakuba
Kevin Shimwa Gakuba

When we are joyful, we might say that being hopeful is straightforward but is it? Is being hopeful in God easy? Sometimes we converse about being hopeful in God with an implicit assumption that it is just a choice one makes and boom, high hopes in God! It is not a matter of not knowing whether we can trust in God. All of us would perhaps have many testimonies about what the Lord did for us in the past. The disciples had fresh memories of Jesus healing large numbers of sick people and casting out demons. But some storms in life, sudden or persistent, waves rolling into our boat, are immense enough to terrify us and create doubts that rage in our minds about whether the Lord cares about what we are going through [Mark 4:35-41; Luke 8:22-25; Matthew 8:23-27]. Immense enough to drown our faith, these storms leave us crying hopelessly, pushed to find comfort solutions from the dirty world around us

"...some storms in life, sudden or persistent, waves rolling into our boat, are immense enough to terrify us and create doubts that rage in our minds about whether the Lord cares about what we are going through..."

Storms are storms, waves are real, and the fear of drowning is real. When such a moment comes, it is very crucial to remind oneself of truths of the gospel. Remind yourself of who God is and has been to you. The fresh thoughts of what He has been doing. The memories of how by His love for you, He delivered you with a mighty hand, not only out of Egypt, but out of many things that seemed insurmountable to you [Exodus 13:14]. God can lead us through the wilderness, not to perish, but to nurture our faith. To make us trust in Him. He delivered you to dwell with you [Exodus 29:46].  

"Remind yourself of who God is and has been to you."

Hope in God is not supposed to be smooth, or easily adopted by our souls. What matters is not to create other gods [Exodus 20:3; 23:33] but to remind oneself of Gospel truths. Indeed, one time in the future you will look back like King David and say that the Lord always restores your soul and leads you in paths of righteousness for His name’s sake [Psalm 23:3].  

Remind yourself of the gospel truths; take a moment and remember who God is and who He’s been to you. And just then, wait for the Lord. Be strong. Let your heart take courage. Wait for the Lord. [Psalm 27:14]. 

"Remind yourself of the gospel truths; take a moment and remember who God is and who He’s been to you. And just then, wait for the Lord. Be strong. Let your heart take courage. Wait for the Lord."

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Only Jesus Can Fill The Voids

Only Jesus Can Fill The Voids

Kevin Shimwa Gakuba
Kevin Shimwa Gakuba

Sometimes, we look to what is in the world to find comfort, our sense of identity, significance, happiness, and optimism for life. I mean money, power, pride, job, sexual immorality, people’s approval, anything else we put our hope into other than God. Despite putting our faith in them, there are many ways in which we become disappointed. Perhaps everybody has their own story. Some end up as workaholics, others with depression, become people-pleasers instead of seeking the approval of God (Galatians 1:10), others end up hating themselves and everything around them, the list goes on. Truth is, we can never find the inner peace and every other good gift of life like true joy that is not just temporal, identity and sense of worth, anywhere else other than in Jesus. Jesus says, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5). “If you remain in me and my words remain in you, ask whatever you wish, and it will be done for you” (John 15:7).   

"Truth is, we can never find the inner peace and every other good gift of life like true joy that is not just temporal, identity and sense of worth, anywhere else other than in Jesus."

May we pray for God’s grace to empower us to turn our eyes from all the worthless things and preserve our life according to His word (Psalms 119:37), revealed in its purest beauty through and by Jesus Christ. The word of love, healing, hope, provision, empowerment from sin, and most importantly a promised eternal communion with God. If out of love Jesus died the shameful death we were supposed to die because of our sins, what other good gift can’t He give to His believers? None. May we not take any longer but constantly humble ourselves, courageously seek Him, pray without ceasing (1 Thessalonians 5:17), and let the Holy Spirit do His work which is to transform us into people whose hearts Jesus sits on the throne. Only that way can all the voids in our hearts be filled. Amen.  

"May we pray for God’s grace to empower us to turn our eyes from all the worthless things and preserve our life according to His word"

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