"Do Not" written in a frame

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Sometimes, the enemy deceives us to paint a picture of Christ who is unbiblical. We end up portraying Him as indifferent to sin, flexible, unoffended

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Man Walking

Beyond Sensitivity

It’s sad when someone, after initially embracing God, begins to move away from Him and keeps moving in that direction. This was true of the

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Featured Image - Article: The Treasure

The Treasure

When asked about the greatest gifts in life, common responses often include money, power, good health, bodily pleasures, or validation from others. Take a moment

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Not Your Strength

Take a minute to ask yourself why you are reading this article. How are you able to find this gospel? Putting in a lot of

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When Life Feels Hopeless

When we are joyful, we might say that being hopeful is straightforward but is it? Is being hopeful in God easy? Sometimes we converse about

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A Letter To The Faint-Hearted

Daily troubles, persistent failures, unfriendly time, overwhelming stress, and emotional tolls, all promise no hope in this world. I just move on and try to

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Only Jesus Can Fill The Voids

Sometimes, we look to what is in the world to find comfort, our sense of identity, significance, happiness, and optimism for life. I mean money,

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To Those Who Feel Lost

There are different things that can, and do, take us and make us feel away from God. In those situations, prayer feels like a routine

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The Enemy of Ages

During the creation, God was pleased with everything he created. He created both man and woman in His image. He gave them authority over everything

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Let The Truth Be Told

Have you ever tried to twist the scripture to sound less judgmental? If yes that makes two of us. Sorry to say this, but we

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Featured Image - Article: The Treasure

The Treasure

When asked about the greatest gifts in life, common responses often include money, power, good health, bodily pleasures, or validation from others. Take a moment

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Only Jesus Can Fill The Voids

Sometimes, we look to what is in the world to find comfort, our sense of identity, significance, happiness, and optimism for life. I mean money,

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To Those Who Feel Lost

There are different things that can, and do, take us and make us feel away from God. In those situations, prayer feels like a routine

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When Life Feels Hopeless

When we are joyful, we might say that being hopeful is straightforward but is it? Is being hopeful in God easy? Sometimes we converse about

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A Letter To The Faint-Hearted

Daily troubles, persistent failures, unfriendly time, overwhelming stress, and emotional tolls, all promise no hope in this world. I just move on and try to

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To Those Who Feel Lost

There are different things that can, and do, take us and make us feel away from God. In those situations, prayer feels like a routine

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Only Jesus Can Fill The Voids

Sometimes, we look to what is in the world to find comfort, our sense of identity, significance, happiness, and optimism for life. I mean money,

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Not Your Strength

Take a minute to ask yourself why you are reading this article. How are you able to find this gospel? Putting in a lot of

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The Enemy of Ages

During the creation, God was pleased with everything he created. He created both man and woman in His image. He gave them authority over everything

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"Do Not" written in a frame

Not Customizable

Sometimes, the enemy deceives us to paint a picture of Christ who is unbiblical. We end up portraying Him as indifferent to sin, flexible, unoffended

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Let The Truth Be Told

Have you ever tried to twist the scripture to sound less judgmental? If yes that makes two of us. Sorry to say this, but we

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Not Your Strength

Take a minute to ask yourself why you are reading this article. How are you able to find this gospel? Putting in a lot of

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"Do Not" written in a frame

Not Customizable

Sometimes, the enemy deceives us to paint a picture of Christ who is unbiblical. We end up portraying Him as indifferent to sin, flexible, unoffended

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Man Walking

Beyond Sensitivity

It’s sad when someone, after initially embracing God, begins to move away from Him and keeps moving in that direction. This was true of the

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Sometimes, the enemy deceives us to paint a picture of Christ who is unbiblical. We end up portraying Him as indifferent to sin, flexible, unoffended by unrighteousness. The enemy does so to soothe our conscience, saying that Jesus does not care much about our practice of sin. We can thereby end up living carnal, fleshly …

It’s sad when someone, after initially embracing God, begins to move away from Him and keeps moving in that direction. This was true of the Israelites of the Old Covenant, who, despite being chosen by God and following the Mosaic law, kept falling away. It is also true of us, the chosen of the New …

The second chapter of the book of Revelation opens with Jesus instructing John, the apostle, to write to the angel of the church of Ephesus (angel in this context can mean a messenger). This means that this message was addressed to God’s people in the town of Ephesus, Asia minor, which is the modern-day Turkey. …

From Faith to Life’s Biggest Fall My God, My God, why have you forsaken me?  Why are You so far from saving me,  So far from my cries of anguish?  My God, I cry out by day, but You do not answer,  By night, but I find no rest (Psalms 22:1-2 NIV)  This had become …

When asked about the greatest gifts in life, common responses often include money, power, good health, bodily pleasures, or validation from others. Take a moment to reflect on the sacrifices made in pursuing these desires and the temporary gratification they bring.  It’s undeniable that desires for wealth, authority, bodily indulgence, or self-validation provide only fleeting …

Take a minute to ask yourself why you are reading this article. How are you able to find this gospel? Putting in a lot of effort to stay with God? But how many times did you wish for communion with the Lord, prayed for fellowship, and still found it hard to dwell in His presence? …

When we are joyful, we might say that being hopeful is straightforward but is it? Is being hopeful in God easy? Sometimes we converse about being hopeful in God with an implicit assumption that it is just a choice one makes and boom, high hopes in God! It is not a matter of not knowing …

Daily troubles, persistent failures, unfriendly time, overwhelming stress, and emotional tolls, all promise no hope in this world. I just move on and try to keep my balance knowing that I should keep on pedaling because the only way to maintain life on the bicycle of life is to sustain the pedaling. “But when will …

Sometimes, we look to what is in the world to find comfort, our sense of identity, significance, happiness, and optimism for life. I mean money, power, pride, job, sexual immorality, people’s approval, anything else we put our hope into other than God. Despite putting our faith in them, there are many ways in which we …

There are different things that can, and do, take us and make us feel away from God. In those situations, prayer feels like a routine and time dedicated to God starts to lessen. Causes are numerous and they vary. These include trials that are taking us away from God, guilt or habits we know do …