The Treasure

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Kevin Shimwa Gakuba
Kevin Shimwa Gakuba

When asked about the greatest gifts in life, common responses often include money, power, good health, bodily pleasures, or validation from others. Take a moment to reflect on the sacrifices made in pursuing these desires and the temporary gratification they bring. 

It’s undeniable that desires for wealth, authority, bodily indulgence, or self-validation provide only fleeting contentment [Proverbs 27:20; Galatians 5:19-21]. Those who constantly pursue them find themselves trapped in a vicious cycle, distanced from God. Since the flesh always desires more, we remain in a state of frustration, akin to trying to fill a broken cup. 

"desires for wealth, authority, bodily indulgence, or self-validation provide only fleeting contentment "

However, there is something greater and worthy of our attention—the Kingdom of heaven, the ultimate treasure. Have you experienced the presence of God, His love, and His blessings? If so, recall the joy and satisfaction it brought. Yet even that is just a glimpse of the incomprehensible love and riches found in God’s kingdom [Philippians 4:19; 1 Corinthians 2:9]. The true treasure lies in communion with Him, resting in His presence, and receiving His endless blessings as we serve Him. You haven’t experienced this yet?  There’s good news for you! Jesus offers a way to live a truly content life, surpassing any gratification the flesh can provide [Isaiah 58:11]. 

"The true treasure lies in communion with Him, resting in His presence, and receiving His endless blessings as we serve Him."

We are surrounded by witnesses who affirm that this truth can be experienced [Hebrews 12:1]. Figures like Abraham, Enoch, Noah, Samuel, David, and Gideon exemplify what Matthew 13:44 describes as the kingdom of God—a treasure worth selling everything to possess. Living for God transcends any blessing received; it’s about beholding Jesus, who not only offers eternal life [1 John 1:2] but also every spiritual blessing, demonstrating the richness of God’s mercy and grace [Ephesians 1:3]. Choosing to serve God becomes the priceless pearl that illuminates our lives, bringing fulfillment beyond measure [Matthew 13:45-46]. Surrendering to God’s rule becomes the greatest treasure you can ever have [Psalm 34:8]. Make it about God. 

"Choosing to serve God becomes the priceless pearl that illuminates our lives, bringing fulfillment beyond measure...Surrendering to God’s rule becomes the greatest treasure you can ever have..."

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