The Enemy of Ages

Annie Prisca Cyuzuzo Bizimungu
Annie Prisca Cyuzuzo Bizimungu

During the creation, God was pleased with everything he created. He created both man and woman in His image. He gave them authority over everything on earth. He breathed His spirit on them and they lived. The relationship of Adam and Eve with God was intense. He loved them not only as His creation but also as His most favored ones and His masterpiece. While God and man were enjoying and pleased by how things were like, there was someone who wasn’t pleased. The devil didn’t like what was happening. Seeing God being pleased by his creation, the devil was unable to take it anymore. The Bible tells us that he is the father of lies for a reason. He is the one who invented lies. He started with the angels who followed him when he was sent away from heaven and made them turn against their Creator (Revelation 12:7-9). Although they had witnessed God’s glory and mighty as it is, the devil’s lies made them forget all the truth about God and they admitted leaving a mighty God for a defeated Lucifer. He did the same with Eve, where he made her question God’s truth with his lies (Genesis 3:13). He brought her something new that she had never experienced before. Lies were something new to Eve. Before encountering the devil, a man knew nothing about lies. They were living with the God of truth and all his words were true and just. Hearing the word of truth from God made them live fully with satisfaction and peace but the devil’s word of lies made them unsatisfied with what was given to them. Eve started to question her Creator’s intention and felt unsatisfied with being a creation that glorifies her Creator. She wanted to be like the Creator and have the same wisdom as Him, just as Lucifer did. The lies blinded her eyes and she started to think that she knew better, and that the devil cared about her more than God. When the man first sinned, the devil achieved his greatest achievement as far as humankind is concerned. The relationship between man and God was no longer the same, their authority over creation was no more. The devil couldn’t be any happier. Thank God that He never gave up on us. His love was overflowing, and He still wanted to save the unfaithful man (Hosea 11:8). He still wanted to restore the relationship and the authority the man had lost. His love for His people made Him send His son who also was willing to save a man for God’s glory and for the happiness placed before Him which was to give the world hope and righteousness.

"Hearing the word of truth from God made them live fully with satisfaction and peace but the devil’s word of lies made them unsatisfied with what was given to them."

However, the enemy of ages is still in action though he knows that the battle of salvation has been won, he knows that humans still have a choice. They are left with a battle of choice. 1 Peter 5:8, tell us to be sober-minded and watchful for our adversary the devil prowls around like a roaring lion, seeking someone to devour. The devil is still willing to destroy mankind. This is his hunger that will never be satisfied. When he destroys one, he feels the hunger to destroy more. Us being sober-minded and watchful is an effective way of reacting to a devil who prowls like a roaring lion and to avoid being the one he devours. Only the truth of God which is in His word will keep you sober and watchful because it has the use of reminding and teaching you the truth to set you free from the devil’s lies. For we do not wrestle against flesh and blood, but against principalities, powers, the rulers of the darkness of this age and spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places (Ephesians 6:12). Therefore, point your sword at the true enemy. Your enemy is not that friend that betrayed you, not even that spouse that cheated on you. Your enemy is the one who uses the non-sober-minded souls for his will to destroy more. Many have fallen for his lies and forgotten the truth of eternity. Being lost and into the lies, they think that God’s existence is a lie though they have seen His amazing creation. They think the devil cares more. Some of them are called by his name, they live for him and glorify him. It’s not like he will repay them. He just wants more to be destroyed along with him. Many have left the mighty God for the defeated Lucifer. Truly, there is nothing new under the sun! 

"Your enemy is the one who uses the non-sober-minded souls for his will to destroy more."

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