Let The Truth Be Told

Annie Prisca Cyuzuzo Bizimungu
Annie Prisca Cyuzuzo Bizimungu

Have you ever tried to twist the scripture to sound less judgmental? If yes that makes two of us. Sorry to say this, but we have committed a fatal sin and we deserve to be added on of plague in this scroll (Revelation 22,18 I testify to everyone who hears the words of prophecy in this book: If anyone adds to them, God will add to him the plagues described in this book”). Thank God for Jesus’s blood that washes away our sins that we were added on. We are living in a time of blindness and darkness. Thus, it’s understandable that some people are totally immersed in their world of lies and the truth sounds ridiculous to them. The word of God tells us in John 3:19 that Light has come into the world, but people loved darkness instead of light because their deeds were evil. Many people still want to be involved in works of darkness. They are not yet ready to get rid of their works that are fit to be done in darkness and that’s why they prefer darkness over light. Don’t misunderstand me, the “They” am saying doesn’t exclude Christians and those famous pastors you can think of but whoever wants to keep in touch with sin and be blinded by it, is among those who are being told. . 

"They are not yet ready to get rid of their works that are fit to be done in darkness and that’s why they prefer darkness over light."

Blessed you that you have been set free by the truth (which is the word of God your creator). You used to be blind but now your eyes are open, and your everyday mission is to loosen the track with works of darkness and prepare yourself for the light so that you won’t be ashamed when the light comes. Thank God that now you are not of the world anymore and you belong to Him and through Christ you had been given the ability to be called God’s child. This sounds like good news to you and probably it makes you overflow with happiness but remember when you were still in the darkness (unaware of the truth) this sounded ridiculous to you as well. However, no matter how ridiculous it sounded, it remained the truth. Maybe you also felt judged whenever someone told you how sinful you were, and you felt annoyed by them because you were still overtaken by your pride. After knowing the truth about how naturally you are sinner and brought to love Jesus even more by it, you probably feel grateful to someone who told you that you were in sin and in danger as well. So, why are you trying to manipulate the only perfect truth that can set people free? The main author (God) said, let no one add or remove anything from this scripture. Who do you think you are to correct the mighty God who holds you like a clay in the hands of the potter? Let His scripture as it is. You are bad and yet you are concerned about people’s salvation, do you think that the God who sent His Son to be punished for their sin is less concerned? Regardless of the audience’s position, economic status, social status, if you chose to open your mouth, preach only the Holy Scripture. Plus, you are not judging anyone for that same judgement is for you too. When you are entrusted to communicate the truth of God, remember that your only role is to be a vessel, nothing less and nothing more. Remember the story of Lazarus and the rich man, how the greedy rich man wanted to come back to life so that he can warn his relatives. A chance he never got, so won’t you. This is the time to stop those no-hell, softy humanly preaching because hell is real, and many are heading there.  

"The main author (God) said, let no one add or remove anything from this scripture."

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