A Letter To The Faint-Hearted

Jean Bertrand Aime Hakizimana
Jean Bertrand Aime Hakizimana

Daily troubles, persistent failures, unfriendly time, overwhelming stress, and emotional tolls, all promise no hope in this world. I just move on and try to keep my balance knowing that I should keep on pedaling because the only way to maintain life on the bicycle of life is to sustain the pedaling. “But when will I stop wandering without a clear direction?” I questioned. I wish I had a good reason to keep pedaling. It had been so long since I questioned about this and couldn’t find an answer to all this chaos, not even a clue. I sometimes admired the calmness of hills, despite all activities run on them (Romans 1:20). At the bottom of all this, I was reminded about the creator who alone could answer my dilemma. Well, as you can predict for a great answer, and so there was. His answer was satisfying. 

"But when will I stop wandering without a clear direction?"

Here is a short verse, in Joshua 1:9 “Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; do not be afraid, nor be dismayed, for the Lord your God is with you wherever you go.” The Lord says the same to you, be strong and of good courage, He is with you. He is with you there down in your heart where no one can search, in your sorrows where no one can understand you, in all your circumstances. So, have courage, God is reminding you today that He is with you wherever you go. But where will the journey end? In 1 Corinthians 2:9, Paul quotes the scripture, saying that “What no one ever saw or heard, what no one ever thought could happen is the very thing God prepared for those who love Him”. At the end of all we face, there is a surprise from God! Let your understanding and faith not rest on human wisdom but on God’s power (1 Corinthians 2:5) for through that you will find the real hope and understanding like I did. Through scriptures, we are not only reminded of how what we pass through are to refine us (1 Peter 1:7) but also how God is with us through it all and at the end, we will be rewarded.   

"He is with you there down in your heart where no one can search, in your sorrows where no one can understand you, in all your circumstances."

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