A Call to Return to Our First Love

Hand stretched out to a lamb
Jean Bertrand Aime Hakizimana
Jean Bertrand Aime Hakizimana

The second chapter of the book of Revelation opens with Jesus instructing John, the apostle, to write to the angel of the church of Ephesus (angel in this context can mean a messenger). This means that this message was addressed to God’s people in the town of Ephesus, Asia minor, which is the modern-day Turkey. This is the same church where apostle Paul had spent three years during his mission, and it was founded thirty years prior to his arrival. At the beginning of the chapter, Jesus shows appreciation to the church of Ephesus for their patience, intolerance of the evil people, and their disapproval of the Nicolaitans doctrine. However, He denounces their lost love for him, “But this is what I have against you: you do not love me now as you did at first.” (Revelation 2:4).  

The message written to the church of Ephesus remains critical and true today as it was back then (Revelation 2:7)As the bride of Christ, we are encouraged to evaluate our ways, see where we have fallen, and return to the path of righteousness. How is your love for Jesus after all these years of walking with Him? Do you still have the burning passion you had for him when you first got saved? Are you moved and grieved when you find yourself in sin? Today, recognize how far you have fallen, turn away from your sins, and return to your first love. May the Lord give you and I the power and grace to love Him as much as we did at first, till the end of time. The more our love for Him increases, the more we find delight in obeying His commandments and faithfully following His ways (John 14:15). Satan, the world and the flesh, all want our love for Christ to grow cold. But may we allow the Holy Spirit to take our hand and guide us into all truth of who Christ is and how deserving he is of our love. We love God because He loved us first (1 John 4:19) and His love has been richly poured in our hearts through His Spirit (Romans 5:5). I pray we choose to love Christ above everything else. 

" How is your love for Jesus after all these years of walking with Him? Do you still have the burning passion you had for him when you first got saved? Are you moved and grieved when you find yourself in sin?"

Pray with me: Father God thank you for Your immeasurable love that was made seen when You gave Your son to come and die for my sins (1 John 3:16). I find myself falling short and not loving You as I should, forgive me Lord. Open my eyes to see how greatly I am loved by You and enable me to love You with everything in me (Matthew 22:37). May I daily grow in grace and knowledge of You Lord Jesus Christ (2 Peter 3:18). In Jesus name, I pray and believe, Amen. 

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